Healing power of orange.

Only few of us realizes that colors surrounding us influences strongly our health, emotions and behavior. Chromotherapy is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine.

There are many clinics around the world where power of colors is used to enhance treatment of digestive and respiratory systems diseases, neuralgia, migraine, spine and kidney disorders, neurosis and psychiatric depression.

The colors we choose to surround us reflects our personality, emotions and mental conditions. We rarely realize that our choice of colors may give us indication of our health.

So how orange influences us?

It stimulates the heart and lungs. It is beneficial during kidney disorders like kidney stones. It also helps the body to keep calcium at the optimum level. Orange helps also our hair, nails, bones and teeth to grow healthy. It is the most energetic of the colors. It helps to feel stronger, healthier. Brings joy, vitality and optimism back. It activates the mind and creativity. It also gives confidence, optimism and courage.

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