Cold cheese cake with orange juice


250ml fresh orange juice

500g of homogenized cottage cheese

1 spoon of gelatin

1 orange jelly

1 spoon of vanilla sugar

Colorful meringues

Orange sticks in chocolate



Squeeze oranges to get 250ml of juice. Pour the juice to the saucepan and boil. When the orange juice is boiling get it out of the heater and dissolve jelly, gelatin and vanilla sugar in the juice. When dissolved you can cool it down faster by adding one or two ice cubes. When the mixture Is cool and starts to solidify add the homogenized cottage cheese and mi x with scutcher.

Pour the mixture to the form with the diameter of 18 centimeters. Put the meringues at the top squeezing them a bit inside the mixture. Put the cake to the fridge and let it solidify for the whole night. Decorate the top with orange sticks covered with chocolate. You can put part as whole sticks while part can be grated into flakes.

Bon appetite!